Sherman Farm
2679 E Conway Rd, Conway, NH 03813 603-939-2412
Year round Farm Market which produces a wide range of vegetables and fruits as well as our own beef. The market carries many other locally grown or produced items including Milk, Pork, Lamb and Chicken.
- Agritourism,
- CSA,
- Farm Market,
- Online Sales
Pick Your Own: Flowers
- Fruit:
- Melons,
- Vegetables:
- Asparagus,
- Beans (green),
- Beets,
- Broccoli,
- Brussel Sprouts,
- Cabbage,
- Carrots,
- Cauliflower,
- Corn,
- Cucumbers,
- Eggplant,
- Greens,
- Herbs,
- Kale,
- Lettuce,
- Onions,
- Parsnips,
- Peas,
- Peppers,
- Pumpkins,
- Radishes,
- Scallions,
- Spinach,
- Sweet Potatoes,
- Swiss Chard,
- Tomatoes,
- Turnips,
- Zucchini & Summer Squash